OnlineEarning .Blog

The OnlineEarning .Blog is a blog about Making Money Online through various legitimate ways, specially using a blog. The creator of this site makes money online and lives a good life after leaving his day job. If you run a blog, you too can make money. All you need is a little bit of guidance in the beginning. That's why is here for you! Take a look, browse through the pages and start earning a decent living off your blog(s)








How to Burn your Blog Feed using Feedburner

You might have heard about blog Feed or RSS feed before but its time to implement it on your blog. A web feed often known as RSS/News feed is a collection of data format used for giving people with instantly updated content. Blog webmasters syndicate a web feed so that blog visitors can subscribe to there blog and remain update without needing to visit your blog. You can also collect many web feeds which is known as aggregation. You can use many aggregator services like Google Reader, Feedzilla etc. So its very essential that burn your blog feed using some kind of service in order to facilitate your visitors.

learn how to burn your blogs feed
Feedburner is a free and awesome service provided by Google so that you can keep track of all of your blog subscribers. You can also use this service for Email subscription and by burning feed for your blog, your blog can be read over all major browsers without any issues. Both blogger and WordPress platforms webmasters can use Feedburner service and get extra features which default feed is not providing.
How to Burn a Feed?
1. Visit official page and sign-in with your Gmail account. If you have have Gmail account id you can anytime sign-up for free on
2. Now first find your blog feed URL. most commonly its your blog URL and than feed folder. So the URL may be or if your blog is in some other folder like than the feed URL will be and click next button.
3. Next page will offer you to set the Title and Address of your blog feed. Give a meaningful title which is related to the blog name and if your blog name is very big than you may short also. After filling all the details click next button.
4. You will see a confirmation message on next screen. You have now setup your blog feed via Feedburner.
How to create Email subscription box?
1. After creating your blog feed through Feedburner you have now many option including Feed subscription box which you can put on your blog so that visitors put there Email address into it and subscribe to your blog.
2. Click on Publicize tab and you will see many options including Email subscriptions, just click on that link.
3. Click on Activate button in order to activate Email subscriptions service.
4. Copy the code from the text box and paste it where you want your Email subscription box to appear.
5. You can also show a button on your blog which shows the number of blog subscribers. For this click on Feed Count link, choose button style, body color, text color and activate the service.
6. Again copy the code and paste it where you want that button to be appear.

How to Create Google Analytics Account

After some months when your blog gets more visitors and became more popular than its very necessary for you keep track of your visitors so that you know that from where your visitors are coming from and in which category they are interested in. This way you can optimize your blog and give more useful information to your visitors so that they keep visiting your blog again and again. Also you want to know that your visitors belong to which country, which language they prefer, which browser they are using or which operating system they are using each and everything has an impact on the future of your blog.

create google analytics account
What is Google Analytics?

This is where Google Analytics comes. Again its free service by Google for bloggers and webmasters to keep track of your blog/website visitors. It has all the things you need to know about your visitors. Google Analytics seamlessly keep track of all your blog visitors and share this precious data with you without any cost. Although blogger and WordPress have their own monitoring methods as well but still lots of bloggers till prefer this method. From time to time Google changes this program and now with the latest change it gives you lot more information than ever before. From keywords to user flow, from traffic sources to content view it has each and every thing to need to know about your blog.
Unlike Alexa its reports are much more recent and updated. It gives you the power to unleash the world. You can also integrate Google Analytics with Google Webmasters accounts for more in-depth analysis. You don’t need to create Google Analytics account and verify your website if you already have already verify Google Webmasters account. Just link it with your Webmasters account and your are done. The best part i like about verifying Google Analytics Account is that you can do this in many ways and hence do this easily the way which suits you better.

Google Analytics Features.

1. Unique Visitors.
2. Time user is spending on your blog.
3. Pageviews of your blog.
4. Bounce Rate.
5. Keyword Analysis.
6. Referring sites.
7. Detail about Landing pages.
8. Country wise break down.
9. Visitor information like Browser, Operating System etc.
10. Traffic Sources.

How to Create Google Analytics Account?

1. Creating Google Analytics account is very easy. Visit this page in another Tab or Windows.[link]
2. If you have already Gmail account than sign-in with your Gmail username and password. Other wise create a Gmail account ID first by visiting
3. On next page click on Sign Up button.
4. Now fill in all the details like Account Name, Website’s URL, Time zone, Sharing Settings, Your country or territory, accept the Terms and conditions and click Create account button.
5. On next page copy the code and paste it in between the <head></head> tags of your blog’s theme Header file and save the file. In some themes you have the option to paste the code in settings page which is lot more easier.
6. WordPress all in one SEO and Yoast plugins are the most used plugins and they also gives you the ability to verify your account by entering your Analytics ID into the settings page. This method is way easier but of course requires you to install the plugin first.
7. So if you don’t want to install the above mention plugins or if you are using thesis theme which has its own built-in SEO mechanism than you can also install a dedicated plugin for this verification. You can also install Google Analytics WordPress plugin and than copy code and Tracking id into it.

Setting Up your blog Profile inside Analytics

Creating Analytics account is not enough, in order to see the stats of a particular website you need to create a profile of that website in your account.
Login into your newly created account and click on the link that says Create an Account.
Just fill in the form with your blog or website details and click on continue button. There you go now it will start tracking your blog instantly and you can see the stats after 24 hours.

10 Essential WordPress Security Tips

One of the biggest drawbacks of WordPress CMS vs Blogger is its security. Thousands of WordPress blogs hack daily and hackers not only hack blogs but delete all the files and folders in it. My blog Internet Khazana was also hacked last month and hacker not only delete all files but also database as well. That’s why its so important for you to create daily backup of your blog specially database backup. Thank god i have the latest database backup but unfortunately i have not all of my blog’s image backup. That’s why i have to waste 15 days to recover and create new images for my blog. After this hack i have learned lots of things and now my blog has more secure than ever before.
10 WordPress Security Tips

1. Create Strong Passwords.

My first mistake was that my old password was containing only characters and digits. I think this was the biggest mistake in my life as these passwords are very easy to hack. Although my password was 15 characters long but still it was hacked. So what is strong password that is nearly impossible to hack. Strong password must contain at-least 15 characters(20+ recommended) and include all types of characters like Capital and small Alphabets, Digits and Special Characters. Never save password on your computer and write down on some notepad etc. Create daily backup as it will save lots of headache if in case your blog is hacked you can quickly restore your data and your blog is up and running in some hours. Try to store you backup in two places like in your computers hard-disk and USB disc etc.

2. Install Login LockDown WordPress Plugin.

Before my blog internet khazana was hacked i had noticed a suspicious IP from morocco who tries to login as Admin but was failed to login. Thanks to the Login LockDown WordPress Security plugin. What this plugin do is that it limits the login attempts of any user and you can set the options that after how many attempts it will lock the login screen. By default if you put 3 wrong passwords it will automatically disable the login screen for your IP for specific amount of time. So its a great way to stop hackers from continuously trying passwords on your blog login screen.

3. Change default Admin Username.

If you are still using Admin as your default username than your are going to provide 59% information to hackers and they only have to guess your blog’s password in order to hack your blog. Now you may be asking that your blog is now very old and how can you change the username now. Well its very easy, just install the WordPress Wp-optimize plugin and simply enter the new username in the change username box. Remember to first create a backup of your database in case if something goes wrong.

4. Change Default Database Table Prefix.

WordPress is known for its dynamic publishing system which creates posts, pages, themes dynamically and store all this precious data in Database. So the Database is the brain of your blog and its very important to protect it. Unfortunately its dynamic ability is mostly targeted by hackers. Spammers and hackers try to inject malicious code, SQL injection and Automated scripts into your blogs Database. So gurus recommend that in order to protect your database all you need is to change the default WordPress Database Table Prefix. For this you need WP Security Scan plugin which gives you the ability to default WordPress Database Table Prefix in just one click.

5. Hide your blogs WordPress Version.

Believe it or not if your blogs WordPress Version is visible to hackers than they will hack your blog in just few hours. Its so easy for them to hack your blog if they now which version your blog have because they now the bugs of that version and hence its easy for them to hack your blog. Hiding your blog WordPress version is very easy. Just add this code into the Functions.php file of your theme and Update the file.
<?php remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator'); ?>

6. Encrypt your WordPress Login Password.

By Default if you type your password in WordPress Login Screen unfortunately it can be seen or access by anybody on the internet. For this problem you have two options, First is paid option in which you can buy SSL certificate from your webhost in order to protect your WordPress login page. Other option is free one in which you have to install Chap Secure Login plugin which encrypts your password so that it cannot be seen on internet and hence protect your account.

7. Check your Blog’s Theme.

Unfortunately more than 90% of Free WordPress themes available on internet contains some sort of malicious code which can be dangerous for your blog in future. The code is mainly hidden in your theme’s script and you don’t even about it. So to solve this problem you need to install Theme Authenticity Checker plugin for WordPress. After installing this plugin it searches for malicious code in your blog theme and if found it displays the exact line with little snippet of malicious code.

8. Protect Wp-Config File.

If Database is the brain of your blog than Wp-Config File is the heart of your blog. Its the most important file you have in your blog. It contains all the important information like Admin username, Password, Database name and Server name. So to protect this file we need to edit out .htaccess file which is located in the root directory of your blog. All you need is to add the code given below and save the file.
# protect wpconfig.php
<files wp-config.php>
order allow,deny
deny from all

9. Disable Directory Browsing.

Its the biggest and most common mistake comet by newbie bloggers that they never protect there blog’s directories which have no default index file in it. By default if you type any directory name in browser you will see the all the content in it which is very useful for hackers and dangerous for you blog security. So to disable directory browsing you need to ad some code in your blog’s .htaccess file present in the root directory.
Options -Indexes

10. Change Default Admin Login URL.

Everybody knows that your blog’s login page can be accessed easily by typing Wp-Admin at the end of your blog URL. This is really a stupid thing and any thief can easily enter into your blog by this door. So we have to hide this door from thief’s by changing the Default Admin Login URL to something like this Again we have to ad some code into the .htaccess file present in the root directory of your blog.
RewriteRule ^login$ [NC,L]

How to Stop Copy Paste Bloggers from Stealing your Content

Blogging is a beautiful world and if you are honest with it you will definitely enjoy it. But as in this world there are some good people as well as bad people. In blogging world people how are lazy and don’t like to create there own stuff often steal content and images from other blogs and put them on there own blog without crediting you. Also they use Auto blogging software which automatically post articles on there blog when ever you post a blog post. Amazingly some times these blogs are higher than original content owners blog which is a shame. There are some measures that you can take in order to stop content thieves.
stop plagiarism content theives from stealing your blog content
Disable Right Click & Selection of text.
This is the first step in order to stop newbie content thieves. Almost 90% of the content thieves simply select all your article data and paste it on there blog and publish it. They don’t even know about how to write or edit code so its very good thing that you disable Right Click and Selection of text in order to stop them. For WordPress there is a plugin called Wp-Copy Protect which will give you the power to disable Right Click and Selection of text in just one click.
Install Feed Pause Plugin.
Most of the time lazy people or bloggers don’t even try to copy paste your content and simply run Auto generated blogs which auto generates content from your blogs feed and republish them automatically. So when you publish an article it will instantly republish on spammer blog. To stop this you have to delay/pause your blog feed so that your original post may first index by search engine and than you publish feed so that spammer republish it after 1 or 2 days. For this you need to install WordPress Feed Pauser plugin. Install this plugin and set the timing of the feed republish time and your are done.
Prevent Hot Linking.
Its not the issue of duplicate content that hurts you but the images of your blog that copied by the spammers. The worst thing is that they use direct link of image which is present obviously on your webhost and hence steal your blogs bandwidth. If your blog has unlimited bandwidth than this might not be a problem for you but for a limited bandwidth site its a serious thing to tackle with. This was happen to me and suddenly internet khazana bandwidth jumped from 100MB per day 1GB per day which was very alarming and eventually i had to pay for extra bandwidth. So i decided to block all the requests generated by other blogs for images. For this you need to put some code mention below in the .htaccess file present in the root directory of your blog. Obviously change my blog name with yours one.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC]
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|js|css|png)$ – [F]
Dynamically put Back-link.
As we all know that most of the time copy paste bloggers will not give back credit to you by linking back to you so you have to automatically put a link back to your blog when ever some one steals your content. We know that copy paste blogger are lazy and they don’t even edit code or try to format the posts. So just install WordPress INK – Own your content plugin and every-time when someone tries to copy and paste your content on there blog this plugin will add automatically article link to your post which will give you a back link.
Link in RSS Feeds.
In order to earn credit from Auto bloggers you will need to add your blog link in all your blog feeds so that when ever Auto blogging software fetches your blog feeds it also embeds your blog link and hence you will earn back link from the site. For blogspot its very easy, just add code mention below in the Settings -> Site Feed and bottom of the feed and done.
<hr />
<a href=””>Internet khazana</a>
For WordPress users you have to add some code in the Functions.php file of your blog theme and update the file.
function embed_rss($content) {
$content .= “<p><a href=’”. get_permalink() .”‘>’”;
$content .= get_the_title() .”</a></p>”;
return $content;
add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘embed_rss’);

10 Best Free WordPress Themes

WordPress is the premium content management system platform for bloggers and its best part is its professional themes which also makes it beautiful blogging platform. Blogging is the field which is getting popular day by day and lots of young and enthusiastic bloggers are joining this field. One of the main and essential ingredient of a blog is a highly crafted theme and the best way to start blogging is choosing right kind of premium theme for your blog. But Premium themes are not free and you have to pay for it. So if you have not money but don’t want to comprise on quality than here is a list of top 10 best WordPress themes.

1. Clean Blog Theme

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2. Myst Theme

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3. Ebuy Theme

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4. Smasher a Light Blue Theme

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5. Modern Blogger Theme

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6. The blog Theme

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7. Delicate Theme

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8. Time Theme

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9. Urdu Theme

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10. ITheme2 Apple Theme

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5 Tips to Reduce Website Bandwidth Usage

If you have not unlimited webhosting than its very common that after your website become popular and you get lots of visitors daily your monthly bandwidth limit may exceed which results in blockage of your website. This is really bad after you have done so much hard work to achieve the level you want but Bandwidth limit is stopping your site and hence you are losing precious visitors which may become customers in future. Also its very good for SEO that you blog get down for days even for hours. So the solution is just upgrade to unlimited package or cut down the Bandwidth usage by some simple tricks.
reduce website bandwidth usage

Enable Compression in cPanel.

The biggest and most effective trick which will definitely reduce 30- 50% of your bandwidth usage is by enabling the compression of files in cPanel of your website. What this feature will do is to compress all the images and files on your blog server and send it to visitors browser in the form of zip file. Not only this feature will reduce bandwidth usage but also increases the loading time of your blog. You may be wondering how zip file will be read by browsers. Well most of the modern browsers will uncompress zip file and convert it into your blog layout but for older browsers your web-server will send them uncompressed files so don’t worry.
1. Login into your cPanel account and click on Optimize Website under Softwares/Services menu.
2. Now select the option Compress all content and click on Update Settings.

Disable Hotlinking.

Another most common issue with popular sites is Hotlinking. There are lots of content thieves who will not only copy all your blog text data but also copy image links of your blog. Which means that they will steal your blog bandwidth as they are linking your images in there blog. All the images that will show in thieves blog will be loading from your blog and hence your bandwidth will increase. This problem is often known as Hotlinking.
To disable Hotlinking you have to edit your blog .htaccess file present in the root directory of your blog. Simply put the code mention below in the .htaccess file and save the file. Remember to change my blog name with your blog name. What this code will do is to show nothing when your blog images will be Hotlinking by other bloggers.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC]
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|js|css|png)$ – [F]

Host Theme images on Image Hosting sites.

One of the most used image files of your blog are your theme image files which are downloaded over and over again which means lots of bandwidth usage. Now there is a very useful and easy trick to tackle with this problem. You can upload all your themes images files onto free image hosting websites like Tinypic, Picasa, Flickr, Blogspot and than use direct image links from there to load image files. What this will do is to load files every time from these free images hosting websites and you will save your precious bandwidth. Also this will increase your blog loading time and speed as most of the image hosting providers servers are way faster than yours.

Enable Cache Plugin.

If you have not install or enable cache plugin in your blog than do it now. Install Wp-Super Cache or Wp-Total Cache plugin for WordPress so that all your files will be converted into simple plain HTML files. This makes it easy for web browsers to store files locally on client computer and hence they will show these stored files to visitors each time they request them not from your webserver.

Reduce Image Sizes.

Unless you have a unlimited bandwidth don’t use more than one image in each article. Also before uploading convert all your digital images(camera, screen shots) into jpg format and all your graphics images(vector files) into Gif format. You will see a amazing size difference when you convert your images into these formats. Also set jpg images quality to 60% only not more than that.

How to Install Plugin in WordPress

This is a beginners guide for WordPress users after installing WordPress in just 10 steps. You may already know that WordPress allows you to add different functionalities in the form of code to your WordPress blog by installing plugin. Plugin is a piece of code which is embedded at run time into your blog and hence gives extra features to your readers as well as you. Plugins are everywhere from displaying related posts into your blog or stopping spammer to leave comments on your blog. You just need to download and install plugin, activate it, set some settings(some plugins require) and plugin will do the rest for you. Its as easy as you would have like means you don’t need to know any programming skills in order to add functionality in your WordPress blog.

How to Install WordPress Plugin.

As i said earlier in new installation by default you will not get much functionalities in WordPress blog so you have to install plugins in order to enhance your blog. Now the first thing came into our minds is from where we get these plugins. The answer is that plugins are of two types free and premium. You can download free plugins from WordPress official plugin website and premium plugins from any website which sells plugins like Wpplugins. Now that you have get your desire plugin its time for your to install the plugin. Below are two famous ways through which you can easily install WordPress plugins.

Install Plugin from Dashboard.

One thing you may have notice in the left side menu bar in your WordPress admin panel and that is Plugins menu. After you have download the plugin click the Plugins menu and than click on Add New link. This will open a new page in the right side of your Admin panel. Here you will many options like Search, Upload, Featured, Popular, Newest and recently Updated. Just click on Upload link and you will see anew page. Click Browse button and navigate to the directory where your downloaded plugin is located. Select your plugin and click Install Now button. After successful installation you will see Activate Now link. Just click on it in order to activate the plugin. Now your plugin is activated and running, some times it may require additional settings in that case a new menu will appear in the left side of your blog menu.
how to install wordpress plugin from dashboard

One Click Plugin Updater.

There is another any very easy way to install WordPress plugins and that is via One Click Plugin Updater. What this plugin will do is to eliminate the donwload process of plugins and you simply have to mention the URL of the plugin and it will do the rest for you. But for this you have to install the plugin first via method mention above. Download the WordPress One Click Plugin Updater from here and install it via method mention above. After activating the plugin you will see a new option in the Plugins menu and that is Install a Plugin. Now every time you have to install a plugin you don’t need to download it, simply copy the download URL of that plugin, paste it in the URL box, select Plugin from drop down menu and click Install button. Congratulations today you have learned how to install plugin in WordPress.
wordpress one click plugin updater

How to Install WordPress Theme

If you are newbie blogger than after purchasing your top level domain and webhosting you need to install WordPress in just 10 steps. You can also install WordPress with just one click of a button if your webhost gives you cPanel. After installing WordPress you need to do 10 essential WordPress settings. Than you should learn and install plugins in WordPress so that you make your blog more SEO friendly and full of features. Now its time for you to learn how to install theme on your WordPress blog so that you make it more professional and unique.

Where to find Themes.
First of all you need theme so that you install it in your blog. Now there are lots of free and premium themes available on internet so its very difficult to mention some of them but you can choose between top 10 best free WordPress themes from here. Also you can find free themes from WordPressthemesgallery, Freewpthemes and premium themes from Thesis themes.
Download the Theme.
After you find your free or premium theme its time for you to download a copy of your theme. Before downloading the theme make sure that you have seen the preview of it. Also make sure that downloaded file is in Zip format and don’t unzip the file as we upload it in the form of zip file.
How to Install Theme.
Click on Appearance Tab on the left side of the Admin panel of your WordPress blog and than click on Themes link. Here you will see page with another tab named as Install Themes, just click on it. Now again you will see five options Search, Upload, Feature, Newest and Recently Updated. Click on Upload button in order to upload the file.
how to install theme in wordpress
Now click on Browse button and search for your theme file on present on your computer hard-disk. After you find it select it and click OK button. After that again click on Install Now button and theme installation will be started. After some time it will display a message saying that your theme is installed. But wait it still not activated. Click on Activate Now button to activate the theme and refresh your blog home page to see the effect.
Set Options or Customize Theme.
Many themes now a days come with various options to set so that everyone customize there blog theme according to there liking. If you have successful install the theme than you will see its options in the Appearance tab. Most of the time these options are changing the background of your blog theme, logo changing, your theme colors etc. But if your theme have no options to set than you can also customize its files by editing its CSS code present in the Editor Tab.
Almost all themes gives you the ability to change and edit sidebar so that you totally customize it to your liking. You can very easily add widgets by going to Appearance >> Widgets and than drag and drop various widgets on the sidebar so that it appear on run time.

Show Random, Recent, Related Posts without Plugin in WordPress

No one can take away credit from installing plugins in WordPress as plugins make life easy for blogger and even a man which don’t know much about programming can use this option to enhance his or her blog. But as of many thing plugins have some draw backs as well like they will increase the loading time of your blog and second is that customizing plugins in not that easy for an average person. So if someone wants to be free from these plugins and want that he or she display Random, Recent and Related Posts without plugins than we can use some PHP code to display these posts.
related random recent posts in wordpress
How to Show Random Posts.
You can always use wordpress random posts plugin in order to show random posts on any of your page or in sidebar. But when you use this plugin you cannot customize its CSS code easily and you have to read all the code in order to customize it. Now below i am sharing a simple piece of code which will display random posts. All you have to do is to paste this code into Single.php or Sidebar.php file of your blog theme. You can change the number of posts you want to display by changing the numberposts value.
<li><h2>Random Posts</h2>
<?php $posts = get_posts(‘orderby=rand&numberposts=5′); foreach($posts as $post) { ?>
<li><a href=”<?php the_permalink(); ?>” title=”<?php the_title(); ?>”><?php the_title(); ?></a>
<?php } ?>
How to Show Recent Posts.
Again you can use wordpress recent posts plugin if you are not comfortable editing your blog themes files. The benefit of using your own code instead of plugin is that you can apply CSS code so that you customize these with the look and feel of your blog theme. Like you can easily apply Drop shadow effect, make corners round or even apply gradient effect. Just use the simple PHP code below into Single.php or Sidebar.php file of your blog theme.You can change the number 5 to any number of your choice.
<?php echo “<b>Recent Posts:</b>”; ?>
<?php get_archives(‘postbypost’, ’5′, ‘custom’, ‘<li>’, ‘</li>’); ?>
How to Show Related Posts.
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) is considered to be the best related posts plugin with lots of options. But the biggest disadvantage of using this plugin is that it takes huge amount of server resources and in some cases many blogs were blocked by there web-hosts because of excessive server resources and it turn out to be the related posts plugin which was taking many resources. So the easy solution is to use your own code which is executed relativity fast and before run time.
Related Posts without Images.
Just paste this code into any PHP file of your and it will show related posts based on tags of the current post.
//for use in the loop, list 5 post titles related to first tag on current post
$tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
if ($tags) {
  echo 'Related Posts';
  $first_tag = $tags[0]->term_id;
    'tag__in' => array($first_tag),
    'post__not_in' => array($post->ID),
  $my_query = new WP_Query($args);
  if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
    while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>
      <p><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"
title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>">
<?php the_title(); ?></a></p>
Related Posts with Images.
Just paste the code given below in the Single.php file of your blog theme right after Post Content. You can change the values of image size by changing the 90 to some thing 100, 130 or may be 150.
<!——Related posts code start here——->
add_image_size( ‘related-posts’, 90, 90, true );
$tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
if ($tags) {
$tag_ids = array();
foreach($tags as $individual_tag) $tag_ids[] = $individual_tag->term_id;
‘tag__in’ => $tag_ids,
‘post__not_in’ => array($post->ID),
‘posts_per_page’=>5, // Number of related posts that will be shown.
‘orderby’=>’rand’ // Randomize the posts
$my_query = new wp_query( $args );
if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
echo ‘<div id=”related_posts”><h3>Related Posts</h3><ul>’;
while( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
$my_query->the_post(); ?>
<a href=”<?php the_permalink()?>” rel=”bookmark” title=”<?php the_title(); ?>”>
<?php the_post_thumbnail( ‘related-posts’ ); ?>
<a href=”<? the_permalink()?>” rel=”bookmark” title=”<?php the_title(); ?>”><?php the_title(); ?></a>
<? }
echo ‘</ul></div>’;
} }
<?php wp_reset_query(); ?>
<!——Related posts code end here——->
Now its time to customize your Related Posts boxes. This time you have to copy and paste code given below in the Style.php file of your WordPress blog theme and your are ready to go. Again you can play with some of the settings to customize it according to your blog theme.
#related_posts {
#related_posts ul {
#related_posts li {
margin:0 22px 0 0;
#related_posts li a {
display:block; font-size:11px;
font-family:tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
overflow:hidden; }
#related_posts li img {
border:1px solid #ddd; }
#related_posts li img:hover {
#related_posts h3 {
border-top:1px dashed #AAAAAA;
font-family:’Patrick Hand’,Arial,sans-serif; font-size:1.35em;

Show Post Views Count on Posts in WordPress

I have seen many premium WordPress themes showing Post views count right below Posts and i thought that its only for premium themes but when i find about this topic on internet i found that its very easy to show post views count on any WordPress blog. Again thanks to the WordPress plugins which make our lives easier. But for those who don’t like to use too many plugin’s on there blog there is also a direct code which you have to put into your theme files. Showing post views will be a nice thing to do as it help readers to select popular post based on views.
Show Post Views Count on Posts in WordPress
WordPress PostViews Plugin.
The easiest way to show post views count is obviously via installing plugin. The plugin we use is WP-PostViews which you can download from official WordPress website by clicking here. Download the plugin, install it and than activate it. Now go to WP-Admin -> Settings -> PostViews and configure the plugin options.
Now comes the second part. Open your theme’s single.php file or any file where you want to display the post views count and search for the heading code.
<?php the_title(); ?>
Now right below this code add following code and update the file.
<?php if(function_exists(‘the_views’)) { the_views(); } ?>
Refresh your blog and you will see post views count on posts starting from zero.
Show Post Views Count on Posts without Plugin.
Now for those who hate plugins like me there is a piece of code for you through which you can easily show post views count on any page. First of all open your blog theme’s functions.php file and paste the following code in it.
function getPostViews($postID){
    $count_key = 'post_views_count';
    $count = get_post_meta($postID, $count_key, true);
        delete_post_meta($postID, $count_key);
        add_post_meta($postID, $count_key, '0');
        return "0 View";
    return $count.' Views';
function setPostViews($postID) {
    $count_key = 'post_views_count';
    $count = get_post_meta($postID, $count_key, true);
        $count = 0;
        delete_post_meta($postID, $count_key);
        add_post_meta($postID, $count_key, '0');
        update_post_meta($postID, $count_key, $count);
Now open single.php file and paste the following code right after while loop.
<?php setPostViews(get_the_ID()); ?>
To display the post view count simply paste the code where you want to actually display the post views count.
<?php echo getPostViews(get_the_ID()); ?>
That’s it very easy and simple way to display post views count in any page in WordPress blog.

How to Check Keyword Density of a Post in WordPress

Keywords are known as one of the main techniques used in On Page SEO. Without keywords your post is nothing but useless content. So what are the keywords and why we use them in our posts. Well ever word or phrase which is used to search any thing on search engines is called keyword like happy new year wallpapers, Nokia Asha 300 or free product keys of Microsoft office 2010 etc. So if we use keywords in out posts search engines will know better that what is this post all about. So using proper keywords in your posts is very essential for your blog SEO.

How to Check Keyword Density of a Post in WordPress

What is Keyword Density?

Keyword density is the amount of times a particular keywords appears in your post in relation with the number of words in your posts. Some people say that your keyword should not appear more than 2% of your post words and it should be around 1% to 2%. The problem is that its very hard to keep track of each and every keyword if your posts are too long specially for articles with more than 1000 words in it.

What is Keyword Stuffing?

Keyword Stuffing is the term used when you filled your post with full of keywords rather than putting some useful information in it. Keyword Stuffing is treated as spam in blogging and that’s why search engines like Google hate this technique. Its very important that you write your post naturally without even worry about keyword density but after finishing your article you should note the keyword density so that if it is too high than you may decrease it in order to format your post according to search engines rules and regulations.
Calculate Keyword Density Manually?
Now you may calculate keyword Density by hand with the help of formula. This is very useful if you don’t want to use any plugin or you are using blogger.
Keyword Density = (Number of times the Keyword is repeated / Total number of words in the text) x 100
Keyword Density for Phrase = (Number of times the Keyword is repeated x (Number of words in the Key Phrase / Total number of words in the text)) x 100
Free WordPress Plugins to Calculate Keyword Density.
There are some good premium WordPress plugins to calculate keyword density like SEO Pressor but of course you have to pay for it. If you want free WordPress plugins than here are two plugins which might be useful for you.

Top 5 WordPress Plugins to Help Readers Share Content on Social Websites

Most bloggers will give a lot of focus to search engine optimization and get highly involved in it. However, social media love is very important for a blog as well. You need to give a lot of focus to ensure that your blog is hip and happening in the important social websites like Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and more recently, Pinterest! So what is the best way to get your site popular with social media: it is by encouraging readers to share your content. If your reader like an article on your blog, he/she should be easily be able to share it with their social circle. To facilitate that, there are many WordPress plugins available, in this post I list the top 5 plugins used to help readers share content on social media. Enjoy the post!

top wordpress social plugins

1. DiggDigg

This is one of the most widely used WordPress plugin by bloggers to help readers share content on social media. It adds a floating box to your posts and/or pages as per your preference. For every post/page you can also decide if you want to float the box to right/left or above/below. And of course, you can have an option to add almost all social site share buttons in the box (more than 19).
Another feature that has prompted many users to prefer the DiggDigg plugin is that it comes with Lazy loading, that is, it will delay 5 seconds to load the buttons, so that the page will load faster. This is important ever since Google has started considering site speed as an important parameter in your websites search engine rankings.
Download DiggDigg Plugin for WordPress

2. Sharebar

After DiggDigg, Sharebar is another trusted social sharing plugin. Sharebar also adds a floating box to your post. The unique feature in this plugin is that you can add the social share icons you need. Also, you can arrange in what order the social icon should show up in your site.  Additionally, it comes with a CSS file where you could alter the layout even more. But I doubt if most of you would require t use this feature.
Download Sharebar Plugin for WordPress

3. GetSocial

This is the plugin that Mohsin is using in this blog. You can see the GetSocial plugin in action to the left of this post. Compared to Sharebar plugin or DiggDigg, you are given lesser configuration option in the back end. Although, this plugin is very popular, now there are many better options available. I have mentioned the other options in this post itself. I strongly advise users to prefer the other options if you are looking to add a floating social share box for your blog article.
Download GetSocial Plugin for WordPress

4. Sexybookmarks

This was the first plugin I used when I started out on my blogging career. It shows an array of social icons, below your post. It has the animated feature and is aesthetically very pleasing and eye-catching. However, I have found that sometimes it is easy for readers to miss it – which is why I would suggest you guys to stick to using a floating share box that are provided by the plugins mentioned above.
The plugin adds a great configure panel in the admin section, you can configure the icons that should appear to your heart’s content. You can also play around with the animation a bit. Apart from this, the plugin panel allows you an option to choose whether the social links should be no-follow or follow, or whether it should open in new page or same page.
It is an attractive plugin which is still used by many bloggers.
Download Sexybookmarks Plugin for WordPress

5. Add Twitter, Facebook Like, Google plus one Social share

I am using this plugin on my blog. This plugin has a ridiculously long name, but it is a good plugin. It is the latest plugin that has hit the WordPress blogging scene, in fact, I have also shifted to using this plugin. This plugin is amazing in terms of the placement, as it allows you to position you share box exactly as you want. You can easily edit at how many pixels from the margin you want the share box to be visible.  It can add the share box before post contents, after and also floating on left hand side of the post.
Apart from this, this plugin also has a “Pin It” button in the Share box, which most other plugins are lacking since they were developed before the rage of Pinterest kicked in. This plugin has an advanced image search for Pinterest sharing, it will check your post thumbnail or the first image in your post is used when your content gets shared.
And now many bloggers are realizing how Pinterest can become a source of SEO juice and traffic for their websites.
Download Add Twitter, Facebook Like, Google plus one Social share Plugin
Which social sharing buttons are you using on your blog? Tell me what do you think are the important one’s, so that myself and others reading this post can learn from your comments as well. In the end, I thank Mohsin who has given me this great opportunity to interact with you guys!

Top 5 WordPress Plugins to Hide Affiliate Links and Link Cloaking

If you are a blogger or an affiliate marketer than you may be annoyed with the ugly looking affiliate links. I don’t need to discuss the importance of affiliate links here but i want to discuss a problem related to affiliate links and that is link hijacking. In Link hijacking a virus or spyware is injected into your system that will rewrite affiliate links on affiliate pages when you visit them.
Top 5 WordPress Plugins to Hide Affiliate Links and Link Cloaking
This means that if you are buying a web-hosting via my affiliate link in order to give me the commission but if your computer have this bad software installed than it will rewrite the affiliate link at the time of browsing and hence commission will be given to the hacker not me. So is this the end of world for affiliate marketers or does it have any solution to this problem.

Link Cloaking.

The solution to Link hijacking is Link Cloaking. You may be wondering how this can prevent viruses to hack affiliate links. First of all we have to understand how Link hijacking works. Link hijacking code detect affiliate links if they are not belongs to your website means external links. Suppose if i have HostGator web-hositng link on my website Link hijack code will easily detect it because my website is and it totally differs from link.
Now Link cloaking plugin will give you the option to hide the affiliate link and convert it into your website internal link. Now link hijack code will recognize it as internal link and hence will not change the link parameters. This is very easy solution to the very dangerous situation because you do all the hard work but you will never earn a single penny and all the money goes to the hacker.

Link Cloaking plugins for WordPress.

Now you know the importance of link cloaking plugins its time to choose one and install. Below are top 5 WordPress plugins to hide affiliate links.

1. Pretty Link.

It is the best link cloaking plugin used by more than 400K bloggers around the world. Can be used to shrink and hide your affiliate links. The beauty of this plugin is that it gives you the option to edit your permalink so you can create your own permalink rather than the default one like Recommend, Refer or which ever you like. It has nofollow option which is good for SEO and 307 temporary and 301 permanent link options. This plugin is so easy to use, just copy paste the affiliate link, give it a name used for permalinks and click on create button and you are done.

2. GoCodes.

Gocodes is a simple yet powerful link shortener and redirection plugin for WordPress. Mostly used for Podcasting and to hide affiliate links. Very simple to use and all the option available are on the same page.

3. Simple URLs.

This is a plugin that is used by many and its a complete link management system that will fulfill all your needs. Link shorten process is very simple, all you have to do is a give the affiliate link URL, name it and it will create a permalink for you. The problem with this plugin is that you cannot change the default permalink structure.

4. Link Hopper.

Another simple but great plugin to redirect all your out going links. Setup links in just one click and if you want to change the link than just open the plugin settings page, change it and save it.

5. WP-LinkChanger.

Very small and light affiliate link hiding plugin for WordPress used by many. This plugin automatically changes all your outgoing links to internal links and hence you don’t have to do it manually.

Download Free TwentyTenFive Project and bring HTML5 to WordPress

HTML5(Hyper Text Markup Language) is a computer language which designs and forms different content for web. Way back in 1990 when HTML was produced in order to display content in your browser no one at that time had thought that at one day this language will be so popular and effective. HTML5 is the 5th generation of this language and initiated by Opera software. The main purpose of introducing this technology is to fully support the latest media requirements of your content without need to install any third party plugin or software like Adobe Flash etc. This unique ability of HTML5 makes it ideal for cross platforms and for smart gadgets too.
HTML5 to WordPress

Why Use HTML5?

HTML5 is already released and fully compatible with all the latest browsers including Internet Explorer 6+. It can convert your ordinary blog or website into stunning, user friendly and content rich website without the need of using too many graphics which of course slows down your website loading time. To find out more about the HTML5 revolution, check out the HTML5 official site.

What is TwentyTenFive Project:

TwentyTenFive is a Project to embed HTML5 support in WordPress so that we can fully take advantage of the new and cool features of this language. Its basically an upgrade for the default WordPress theme TwentyTen. You don’t have to pay for it as its totally free of cost. Very easy to create things and you can take full advantage from this future language for browsers in WordPress too.
Download Free TwentyTenFive Project

How can i use HTML5 in WordPress.

Installing HTML5 support in WordPress is very easy. Just download the TwentyTenFive project zip file from here and upload this file into Appearance > Themes > Install Themes > Upload and activate the theme.
You can also use TwentyTenFive project as a framework for your own HTML5 themes which means you are just few minutes away from creating stunning beautiful templates or themes.

Remove Branding Logo and Customize Facebook Fan Page

Facebook Fan page is a nice way to stay in touch with your blog fans and its also easier for your fans to stay update to your blog. Facebook fan page is also very helpful bringing free traffic towards your blog. Lots of websites now a days getting up-to 90% traffic from Facebook. So Facebook fan page is must for you if you want to survive in this era of competition. If you are a newbie blogger and have just started your blog than its time for you to create your Facebook fan page now and also customize to the look and feel of your blog.

Customize Facebook Fan Page

How to Create Facebook Fan Page

Creating Facebook fan page for your blog is very easy. Just visit Facebook Fan-page URL here and select Brand or Product as your choice. After that choose website from the drop down menu and click I agree to Facebook Pages Terms check box. Fill-in other details about your blog and your page will be running instantly.

Customize the Landing Page

Second quick thing which you need to do in order to attract and convince your Facebook fan page visitor is to like your page. If a visitors just land on the default Wall of your fan page he or she might not click on like button which means that you loose a precious visitor or customer. So the thing is that you have to create a welcome page and than redirect your fan page visitor to the welcome page. Now your welcome page should be attractive and must convince visitors to click like button. Read my article on How to Create a Custom Facebook Landing Page for your blog here.

Remove Branding Logo and Header

Now its time to create a Fan box for your blog so that your blog visitors can easily click the like button. Now by default Facebook fan page box is very ugly, big in size and contains all sorts of unnecessary information. So its essential for you to customize the fan box to the look and feel of your blog so that it blends with your blog design. Also we will remove the header part as well as the branding logo located at the end of the box to make it look more pretty and professional. Just copy paste the code into your blog theme and update the file. Remember to change the Facebook page URL with your own page URL.
<style type=”text/css”>
.facebookOuter {
padding:0px 0 0px 0px;
border:3px solid #599d32;
.facebookInner {
data-width=”295″ data-height=”230″
data-border-color=”#ffffff” data-show-faces=”true”
data-stream=”false” data-header=”false”>
<div id=”fb-root”></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
js = d.createElement(s); = id;
js.src = “//″;
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));
You can change the background color and border color of this fan box to the colors of your blog theme by changing the values in the line number 03 and 20. Also if you want to show more fans faces or don’t want to show any face than there is a true false option in this code. You can change the width and height as well so use this code on your blog and tell me about your experiences.

Download Free 250 Premium Looking WordPress Themes Bundle: 2012 Edition

Installing WordPress themes is a piece of cake for everyone and if we found some cool and premium looking themes free than its also very fun for us to apply these themes. Mainly WordPress themes are available in two types free and premium. Free themes of course have some draw backs like these themes are not professionally built and lack some SEO techniques. While premium themes are made by professionals and are fully search engine optimized which means you will get full benefit of using these themes. But for premium themes you have to pay money and not every one in this world have money specially newbie bloggers.
250 Free WordPress Themes: 2012 Edition

What is Themeshock Bundle:

Themeshock Bundle is a collection of 250 free premium looking WordPress themes designed by the web-designers all over the world. They create these themes to promote their website and give them to website like where they merge all these themes and create bundle package. This bundle is nor ordinary themes bundle infect it has the best free 250 premium looking themes which will really amaze you. Also not only they are giving away free themes but they have other bundles as well in which you can download high quality icons, templates and Photoshop files.

How to get Themeshock Bundle Free:

Now amazingly this bundle is totally free of cost and all you have to do is to visit and share their website on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus and download your free bundle.

Online CSS Shadow Generator Tool

With the advancement of CSS and HTML web has seen many new and stunning changes and websites are now look more professional and beautiful. Also the beauty of CSS3 is that it eliminates the usage of images and hence it means that your blog will load faster than ever before. CSS3 and HTML5 is going to be the deadliest combination in future and we have already seem many websites using this combination. One of the coolest feature of CSS3 i like the most is shadow feature which is very easy to create and requires no images at all. Some times this can be a tricky specially if you want to create effects like shadow under one side of your image or shadow with blur effect. So for this you need some kind of tool which can easily and rapidly create a source code for you.
CSS shadow generator

What is Online CSS Shadow Generator Tool?

Its a fabulous online Free CSS shadow generator which will give you proper code according to the shadow you want. It has built in 8 shadow styles as well as its fully customizable too. All you have to do is to adjust the settings like blur, opacity, width, height, X and Y co-ordinates and you are done. With real time preview you can see the result and make sure that end result is the one which you wants.
Although you can create your own styles but the owner of this toll has already created 8 stunning and beautiful shadow styles which you can select from the Shadow Style drop box. These shadows can be used with your blog images, icons and avatars.
Also Read: Download Free Box of Bundles First and Second Edition
Changing values is as easy as one two and three. The slider menu let you change values easily and accurately. As you are changing values from the sliders menu, this tool instantly changing the CSS code which you can use rapidly after changes being made. In order to apply the shadows just copy the CSS code to the style sheet of your theme and DIV code where you want the shadow to be render.

Download Free WordPress and Social Media Icons Set

Although WordPress themes are the most beautiful and professional themes as compare to the other content management systems available on internet but still you want to customize them in order to fulfill the needs of your blog. One thing you may consider changing is the default WordPress icons with some thing different and cool. Today i am going to share with you the two stunning WordPress and social media icons sets which are very popular among bloggers and can pimp up your theme. Both these packs are free and you can use them for personal projects.

Free WordPress Icons Set.

free wordpress icons bundle
Guys from has created this wonderful WordPress icons pack which contains WordPress categories icons like Plugins, Screencasts, Tutorials, Themes, Code, Hosting, Mobile, Widgets, Wordcamp and Design. These icons are of high quality and you can use them in any personal or commercial projects. Icons are free to download from the official website link mention below.

Free Social Media Icons Set.

free social media icons bundle has released its own social media icons set for its users free of cost. They already have released two icons packs named as Developer Icon Set and WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set. This icons bundle includes icons of Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Digg, Stumble Upon, Reddit, Google Buzz, Skype, Blogger, Yahoo, Myspace, Linkdin etc. All these icons are released under GPL license which means that you can use them in your personal as well as in commercial projects too. Each icon is in 26×26 and 38×38px (PNG and PSD source) size and are pixel perfect.