OnlineEarning .Blog

The OnlineEarning .Blog is a blog about Making Money Online through various legitimate ways, specially using a blog. The creator of this site makes money online and lives a good life after leaving his day job. If you run a blog, you too can make money. All you need is a little bit of guidance in the beginning. That's why is here for you! Take a look, browse through the pages and start earning a decent living off your blog(s)








Make Money Online for Free with Adsense Revenue Sharing Sites

I wonder many people are searching for Make Money Online for Free programs and they often fell into scams. Well if you are good at writing articles than now you don’t have to worry about earning money online in Pakistan without investment. Adsense is an advertising program mainly for publishers and webmasters which they use on their platforms. Now the interesting part is that you can also join and grab some share from them using Adsense.

What are Adsense Revenue Sharing Sites?

You can also grab some money if you join Adsense Revenue Sharing websites. Now what are these sites and how can you take participate in this program. The participation is very simple, all you need to do is to write some quality articles for these sites via your personal account(which they will create for you). When your account is created by them they will ask for your Adsense publishers ID so that your ads can also be shown on your articles. This way you can generate some money without any blog or website.
google adsense Revenue Sharing Sites

How can i get Adsense account without blog?

Some third party websites allows you to create Adsense account by simply remain active on them. Signup is free of cost and you only need to post genuine content like articles, images, videos etc. Many people will say you that Buy Adsense account in Pakistan but you don’t have to give attention to them as this is not legal way to get your account. You can also read my other article 8 Ways to Create Adsense Account. When you got your account just use your publishers ID with best Adsense Revenue Sharing sites mention below.
Please note that not all sites will give you 100% share, Share ranges between 25% to 100% so please read their terms before submitting your articles.















How to Get $50 Bing and Google Adwords Coupon Codes Free

No matter what is the size of your organization or if you are an individual you need some kind of advertising program like Bing or Google Adwords to reach your audience. Search engines are best way to find new customers but its very difficult to reach the first page because a lots of competition. But as you may have already know that search engines also run advertising programs for customers like you and me to promote their stuff. Yes you have to pay for it but there are some ways like Adwords Coupon Codes through which you can run your campaign free of cost. One can also request a free $100 Google Adwords Coupon but this promotion is only for new accounts.
Bing and Google Adwords Coupon Codes Free

What is AdWords and why you need it.

As mention above its an advertising system to fulfill your marketing needs no matter what is your budget and how big or small you campaign is. The ads are contextual ads which means that they will only show to the customers you want which means high sales at low cost.
You may already have spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to market your product online but may have not get the results you want. Its a reality that conventional ways of marketing your product are not effective at all so you some kind of program which will give you targeted visitors at low cost.

Guide to Setting up Your Google Adwords Account.

Here is a quick guide to setup your account and make sure that you understand the system first before you use it.

How does Google AdWords Coupon Work?

Mainly Adwords offers are provided so that you can check and get familiar with the system before you buy a full campaign. All you need is a Gmail account and signup for Ad-word account after that simply visit the tab Payment tab and click on coupon code. Enter one they you got free and run your free campaign.

Free Adwords and Bing coupons.

We are giving-away 2 free Google Adwords and Bing coupons codes of $50 each to the readers of Internet Khazana. First winner will get Adwords Voucher while the runners up will get Bing voucher. All you have to do is to fulfill the requirements mention below and you will be eligible to enter into the draw which will be held at 21st of June 2012. So hurry up and submit your entries now as the giveaway will end at 20th of June 2012 midnight time.

10 Tips to Get your AdSense Account Approved

Google Adsense is one of the most widely used and popular way of earning money online. However, as the popularity of Google adsense is increasing day by day, the policies of Google are also being modified and we have already seen lots of Adsense account banned. Google has, recently modified its Adsense account policies and have made them more challenging and strict for the applicants.
google adsense approved
What is Google Adsense? Well, for those who are really new to the concept of Google Adsense, here is a brief description of Google Adsense: It is, basically, a cost per click contextual program that allows the webmaster to earn income through their blogs and websites. Adsense program is under the supervision of Google family.

Are You Going for Google Adsense?

So, if you are thinking of going for a Google Adsense business, you may have to face quite a tough challenge and may, even, have to try it more than once to get approval. But, obviously, repeated action is going to be a trouble and cause of sure headache for you. So, what are you going to do about it? Have you thought of any effective ways to get your Google Adsense account application approved? Well you no longer have to worry about it, as there are several ways through which you can definitely have better odds of getting the Google Adsense account application approved by Google authorities.

Adsense Account Approval Tips!

If you have already applied to an Adsense account, you may have to face several rejections, unless you employ the correct strategies. Following are few most effective tips that may get you an approval for your Google Adsense account:
Say No To Plagiarism! This is what Google asks for! You need to own a blog or website, which has genuine and original content. Google won’t approve your Adsense account request if they catch you of copied content. To get approval of your Adsense account request you need to own original content, as a policy by Google Inc.
Top Level Domain: Your website must look professional and Sub domain websites not only looks unprofessional but it tells about your non-serious attitude towards blogging.
Domain Age: Now this restriction is only for countries like Pakistan, India and China due to huge amount of fraudulent act. Your blog age must be 6 months or so but this doesn’t mean that if you have a high quality website than they will reject you. Yes they can approve your account before six months but for this you need quality website.
Easy Site Navigation: One thing i can tell you with my experience is that Google love sites which have easy navigation system and at the top of the page. Never try too many experiments and try to mention the most valuable links at the top of your blog. All your blog pages must be accessible from some sort of linking.
Link Baiting: Respect other and other will respect you. If you are picking up some idea or picture from any where than you must credit that site. Now when Google team will check your blog for Adsense approval they will see these credit links and this way you can convey your message to them that you are not a spammer.
Traffic Source: Its better that before applying for Adsense your blog should have 200 to 300 daily organic traffic. If your blog has only traffic from other sources like Facebook than its better to first do some SEO for your blog, bring some search engine traffic and then apply.
Have a Privacy Policy Web-Page! The updated Google Adsense policy states that only the blogs having a privacy policy page will get approval by Google. If you do not have any such page, you need to create one.
Double Check your Residential Address: Google won’t give approval to your Adsense account request, if you provide inaccurate or incomplete information about your home address or other required details.
Apply with same Email Address: Not many people know that they should apply with the same email address mention in the contact details of their domain and it should also to visible to public so that Google knows that rather than just having access you actually own the domain as well.
Apply with same Name on Domain: Very important point is that your domain must be registered with the name for which you are going to apply Adsense account.
Abouts Us and Contact Us Pages: Its very funny that you apply for Google Adsense and your blog don’t have these pages. Look from the Google’s perspective they are going to start a business with you and if your blog don’t have any page through which any body can contact you than its not going to help your cause. Also how can they start a partnership with anonymous people with no identity at all.
Size of the Content Matters: Yes, Google also takes the average size of your website content into consideration. You need to have posts of around 400 words or minimum 300 words.
In addition to the above mentioned tips, you must also carefully read the policies by Google before applying for an Adsense account. Also, Google does not extend its Adsense account service to websites or blog having adult content. The more appropriate content you have, the higher will be your chances of getting approval by Google. So, before applying take some time out to read the Google Adsense policies thoroughly and then, make required modifications.