OnlineEarning .Blog

The OnlineEarning .Blog is a blog about Making Money Online through various legitimate ways, specially using a blog. The creator of this site makes money online and lives a good life after leaving his day job. If you run a blog, you too can make money. All you need is a little bit of guidance in the beginning. That's why is here for you! Take a look, browse through the pages and start earning a decent living off your blog(s)








Show Post Views Count on Posts in WordPress

I have seen many premium WordPress themes showing Post views count right below Posts and i thought that its only for premium themes but when i find about this topic on internet i found that its very easy to show post views count on any WordPress blog. Again thanks to the WordPress plugins which make our lives easier. But for those who don’t like to use too many plugin’s on there blog there is also a direct code which you have to put into your theme files. Showing post views will be a nice thing to do as it help readers to select popular post based on views.
Show Post Views Count on Posts in WordPress
WordPress PostViews Plugin.
The easiest way to show post views count is obviously via installing plugin. The plugin we use is WP-PostViews which you can download from official WordPress website by clicking here. Download the plugin, install it and than activate it. Now go to WP-Admin -> Settings -> PostViews and configure the plugin options.
Now comes the second part. Open your theme’s single.php file or any file where you want to display the post views count and search for the heading code.
<?php the_title(); ?>
Now right below this code add following code and update the file.
<?php if(function_exists(‘the_views’)) { the_views(); } ?>
Refresh your blog and you will see post views count on posts starting from zero.
Show Post Views Count on Posts without Plugin.
Now for those who hate plugins like me there is a piece of code for you through which you can easily show post views count on any page. First of all open your blog theme’s functions.php file and paste the following code in it.
function getPostViews($postID){
    $count_key = 'post_views_count';
    $count = get_post_meta($postID, $count_key, true);
        delete_post_meta($postID, $count_key);
        add_post_meta($postID, $count_key, '0');
        return "0 View";
    return $count.' Views';
function setPostViews($postID) {
    $count_key = 'post_views_count';
    $count = get_post_meta($postID, $count_key, true);
        $count = 0;
        delete_post_meta($postID, $count_key);
        add_post_meta($postID, $count_key, '0');
        update_post_meta($postID, $count_key, $count);
Now open single.php file and paste the following code right after while loop.
<?php setPostViews(get_the_ID()); ?>
To display the post view count simply paste the code where you want to actually display the post views count.
<?php echo getPostViews(get_the_ID()); ?>
That’s it very easy and simple way to display post views count in any page in WordPress blog.

How to Check Keyword Density of a Post in WordPress

Keywords are known as one of the main techniques used in On Page SEO. Without keywords your post is nothing but useless content. So what are the keywords and why we use them in our posts. Well ever word or phrase which is used to search any thing on search engines is called keyword like happy new year wallpapers, Nokia Asha 300 or free product keys of Microsoft office 2010 etc. So if we use keywords in out posts search engines will know better that what is this post all about. So using proper keywords in your posts is very essential for your blog SEO.

How to Check Keyword Density of a Post in WordPress

What is Keyword Density?

Keyword density is the amount of times a particular keywords appears in your post in relation with the number of words in your posts. Some people say that your keyword should not appear more than 2% of your post words and it should be around 1% to 2%. The problem is that its very hard to keep track of each and every keyword if your posts are too long specially for articles with more than 1000 words in it.

What is Keyword Stuffing?

Keyword Stuffing is the term used when you filled your post with full of keywords rather than putting some useful information in it. Keyword Stuffing is treated as spam in blogging and that’s why search engines like Google hate this technique. Its very important that you write your post naturally without even worry about keyword density but after finishing your article you should note the keyword density so that if it is too high than you may decrease it in order to format your post according to search engines rules and regulations.
Calculate Keyword Density Manually?
Now you may calculate keyword Density by hand with the help of formula. This is very useful if you don’t want to use any plugin or you are using blogger.
Keyword Density = (Number of times the Keyword is repeated / Total number of words in the text) x 100
Keyword Density for Phrase = (Number of times the Keyword is repeated x (Number of words in the Key Phrase / Total number of words in the text)) x 100
Free WordPress Plugins to Calculate Keyword Density.
There are some good premium WordPress plugins to calculate keyword density like SEO Pressor but of course you have to pay for it. If you want free WordPress plugins than here are two plugins which might be useful for you.

Top 5 WordPress Plugins to Help Readers Share Content on Social Websites

Most bloggers will give a lot of focus to search engine optimization and get highly involved in it. However, social media love is very important for a blog as well. You need to give a lot of focus to ensure that your blog is hip and happening in the important social websites like Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and more recently, Pinterest! So what is the best way to get your site popular with social media: it is by encouraging readers to share your content. If your reader like an article on your blog, he/she should be easily be able to share it with their social circle. To facilitate that, there are many WordPress plugins available, in this post I list the top 5 plugins used to help readers share content on social media. Enjoy the post!

top wordpress social plugins

1. DiggDigg

This is one of the most widely used WordPress plugin by bloggers to help readers share content on social media. It adds a floating box to your posts and/or pages as per your preference. For every post/page you can also decide if you want to float the box to right/left or above/below. And of course, you can have an option to add almost all social site share buttons in the box (more than 19).
Another feature that has prompted many users to prefer the DiggDigg plugin is that it comes with Lazy loading, that is, it will delay 5 seconds to load the buttons, so that the page will load faster. This is important ever since Google has started considering site speed as an important parameter in your websites search engine rankings.
Download DiggDigg Plugin for WordPress

2. Sharebar

After DiggDigg, Sharebar is another trusted social sharing plugin. Sharebar also adds a floating box to your post. The unique feature in this plugin is that you can add the social share icons you need. Also, you can arrange in what order the social icon should show up in your site.  Additionally, it comes with a CSS file where you could alter the layout even more. But I doubt if most of you would require t use this feature.
Download Sharebar Plugin for WordPress

3. GetSocial

This is the plugin that Mohsin is using in this blog. You can see the GetSocial plugin in action to the left of this post. Compared to Sharebar plugin or DiggDigg, you are given lesser configuration option in the back end. Although, this plugin is very popular, now there are many better options available. I have mentioned the other options in this post itself. I strongly advise users to prefer the other options if you are looking to add a floating social share box for your blog article.
Download GetSocial Plugin for WordPress

4. Sexybookmarks

This was the first plugin I used when I started out on my blogging career. It shows an array of social icons, below your post. It has the animated feature and is aesthetically very pleasing and eye-catching. However, I have found that sometimes it is easy for readers to miss it – which is why I would suggest you guys to stick to using a floating share box that are provided by the plugins mentioned above.
The plugin adds a great configure panel in the admin section, you can configure the icons that should appear to your heart’s content. You can also play around with the animation a bit. Apart from this, the plugin panel allows you an option to choose whether the social links should be no-follow or follow, or whether it should open in new page or same page.
It is an attractive plugin which is still used by many bloggers.
Download Sexybookmarks Plugin for WordPress

5. Add Twitter, Facebook Like, Google plus one Social share

I am using this plugin on my blog. This plugin has a ridiculously long name, but it is a good plugin. It is the latest plugin that has hit the WordPress blogging scene, in fact, I have also shifted to using this plugin. This plugin is amazing in terms of the placement, as it allows you to position you share box exactly as you want. You can easily edit at how many pixels from the margin you want the share box to be visible.  It can add the share box before post contents, after and also floating on left hand side of the post.
Apart from this, this plugin also has a “Pin It” button in the Share box, which most other plugins are lacking since they were developed before the rage of Pinterest kicked in. This plugin has an advanced image search for Pinterest sharing, it will check your post thumbnail or the first image in your post is used when your content gets shared.
And now many bloggers are realizing how Pinterest can become a source of SEO juice and traffic for their websites.
Download Add Twitter, Facebook Like, Google plus one Social share Plugin
Which social sharing buttons are you using on your blog? Tell me what do you think are the important one’s, so that myself and others reading this post can learn from your comments as well. In the end, I thank Mohsin who has given me this great opportunity to interact with you guys!