OnlineEarning .Blog

The OnlineEarning .Blog is a blog about Making Money Online through various legitimate ways, specially using a blog. The creator of this site makes money online and lives a good life after leaving his day job. If you run a blog, you too can make money. All you need is a little bit of guidance in the beginning. That's why is here for you! Take a look, browse through the pages and start earning a decent living off your blog(s)








10 Tips to Reduce Blog Loading Time

There is a very famous saying that “Time is Money” and that seems to very true now a days. Everyone seems to be in hurry whether on roads, offices, home or even on internet. Yes its true that if any website takes lots of loading time than people leave this site and hence you lose a precious visitor which may become customer in future. I have seen many sites on internet with lots of content and functionality which may good for some visitors but most of the visitors will be irritate by this. Although world is very fast right and so internet speeds but still millions of visitors are using same old dial-up internet and hence they will not enjoy your site if it takes lots of time to load. Also search engine may also ban your blog if its not quick enough.

blog loading time

1. Choose Top Web Server.

If you run even the simplest of website form in HTML files but on cheap web server than its not going to help your cause. I know that premium web host are very expensive and not everybody can afford to buy Top web server but its your investment for future which will definitely pay off. Good webhost not only speeds up your blog loading but they also make sure that your blog will be up and running 99.9% which means more readers for your blog. Internet khazana recommends Hostgator webhosting for blogs.

2. Optimize Images.

Next big thing that may reduce your blog time are images of your blog. If you blog has too many heavy images and without proper information like “alt tag”, “image size” etc than if will take lots of time to load in visitors browser and hence more irritation for visitor. Its better to only place one or two image sin a single post. Always mention the size of each image. Another trick is to host your blog themes images on to a third party server like Picasa, Flickr etc because servers of these images are fastest in the world and your blog themes images will definitely load faster than your one.

3. Use Less Plugins.

We all love plugins but too many plugins will make our lives painful by taking extra-bit of time while loading. Its very difficult to choose between which plugin to use or not but try to use only essential plugins and disable plugins which are only giving you extra functionality like WP-DBManager plugin which is used to optimizes your database but this plugin will make your life difficult as it consumes lots of resources when it is active.

4. Try to avoid WordPress Related Posts plugin.

Believe me or not most time taken by any WordPress plugin is Related Posts plugin which executes code in order to find latest and related posts every time page loads. So its better to use third party plugins like Linkwithin, Outbrians etc. Another great option is to use Facebook Recommendation plugin which is the fastest of all.

5. Buy Premium Theme.

Its a fact that badly written Free templates or themes may take longer to load in browsers as compare to the premium themes written by professional programmers. Also it has been the case that most of the free themes contains malicious code which may be harmful to your blog if you afford to buy premium theme go for it.

6. Install Cache Plugin.

If you have not install any cache plugin yet than go and first install Wp-Super Cache or Wp-Total Cache plugin for WordPress now. You may already know that WordPress is uses PHP which delivers content dynamically to users which is good in terms of updated content but of course your blog will always look for new content and hence more time it take to load. The best option is to convert your blog files into static HTML files so that it can be stored on visitors browser for future reference.

7. Optimize Database.

Initially it may not seen for you as a problem but when your blog grows you database get lots of comments, posts, pages and hence it creates more tables. As your blogs database size increases it tends to take more time to find the data which is being requested by users. So after time to time is essential for you to clean up your database and remove all unnecessary database tables. For this you can use WP-DBManager plugin for WordPress but remember after using this plugin deactivate this plugin as this plugin takes huge server resources.

8. Enable GZIP Compression in Cpanel.

As the name suggests GZIP Compression if enabled will compress all the files present on your server so that your blog consumes less bandwidth as well as files and folders transfer quickly because of the less size. Suppose if your blog images are of 10 MB in size but after compression there size reduced to 6 MB only than 6 MB download quickly than 10 MB. For this to activate login into your cPanel and click on Optimize Website icon. It will show you the option of enabling or disabling compression. Just select Compress all Content and click Update settings button.

9. Avoid too many Advertisements and Java Script Codes.

Money is the name of the game but for few bucks you will make your blog look like junk and also to load slowly. Always try to maintain between content and advertisements. How often we see that if we remove Adsense code our blogs start to perform better. So try to reduce advertisements, java script codes and effects.

10. Lazy Load Images.

Its a good idea to only load images when visitor request them. By default all the images on your blog page automatically load when someone request it. But after installing Lazy Load plugin for WordPress images will load only when visible to user.

10 Reasons Why people will not visit your Blog Again

As a blogger i visit many blogs daily and when ever i found an interesting blog i just subscribe to that blog via email for latest updates. But not all blogs i visit are in my good books. Some websites i visit will force me to leave the website as soon as possible. So what is going wrong with that website i mean definitely the webmaster of that website have put in a lot of efforts to make his or her site perform better but still there are some crucial things in every website which needs to be correct other wise you may lose precious visitor which may become customer in future.

10 Reasons Why people will not visit your Blog Again

1. Popups.

Some people think that its a cool idea to show some ads via popup when some one visits there blog but unfortunately 95% people hate popups. Its really a cheap idea to show ads to your visitor and not only it will hurt the image of your blog in the eyes of visitor but sear engines also don’t like popup and may penalize your blog. If you want to show the ads just put them in the sidebar or footer of your blog, don’t do silly thing like this.

2. Website Loading Time.

If your blog takes ages to load than people will not wait and move to another blog. I know internet speeds are grown over the years and now many people have access to the high speed internet but still you have to target the whole audience including the dial-up users as well. Some times slow speed can be because of your slow web-host servers so try to move your blog from slow to high speed web-host for better loading time. You can read my article 10 Tips to Reduce Blog Loading Time.

3. No Fresh ideas.

I think if you are publishing same old ideas again and again this is the main reason why your blog visitors are not getting back. many bloggers reproduce same articles again with some new title to fool readers but now people are very knowledgeable and they can very easily and quickly guess which blog is producing original content and which is reproducing ideas from other blogs. So try to produce your own blend with some unique ideas and than see the magic.

4. Not replying to your blog Comments

Everyone in this world want to be appreciated by others and that why if you are not replying to your blog comments commentator will thought that you are not giving importance to him or her and next thing you can expect from them. Easily you can loose many visitors by such laziness. Manage some time for answering your blog comments every day and you will feel that visitors are coming back to your blog frequently.

5. Lots of Ads less Content.

I know everybody wants to earn as much money as they can but what if your blog visitor can only see ads specially above the fold. This will surly put negative impression in the minds of visitors and they might not read the article for which they come to your website.

6. Not updating your blog frequently.

Although its not necessary to update your blog daily but what if you post only 4 or 5 articles in whole month. This is not going to help you and your blog readers will rate your site as dead site and move on to another website. In my suggestion you should at least post 15 -30 articles in one month so that your blog look more up to date.

7. Poor Blog Navigation.

If your blog has categories and archive than why are you hiding these pages. Its very important to present nice and easy navigation to your blog visitors so that they can easily find what they want. What if you have write an articles months ago than this article will surly be hidden some where in your blog pages. So one must show popular posts, most commented post and your most important post on the front page of your blog.

8. Funky theme colors.

What if you are using many colors in your blog theme and specially red color which is the represents only for danger. Yes you can use red color if you have a blog related to valentine or blood etc. Always try to make a combination of light colors like white with blue or green or any light color which you want. Also try to use less colors and one main color to represent your blog. Confuse which theme to choose here are top 10 best Free WordPress themes for you.

9. Rubbish Fonts and Size.

It doesn’t mean that if you like some thing than other are also like it. If you use rubbish fonts on your blog with size greater than 18px than its time for you to adjust your blog and use font which are more common and can easily be available on every one’s computer. Also avoid using too many flash files as these files require plugin to show up and if visitors has no flash plugin install than your blog will look horrible.

10. Sharing unrelated content on Facebook Fan page.

You Facebook fan page is the place where your blog readers can visit and remain update with your blog updates. If you post constantly unrelated content on you fan page than sooner or later people will start leaving your fan page and hence your blog too. Read article on how to customize your Facebook fan page.

Top 10 Free HTML5 Blogger and WordPress Themes

wordpress and blogger html5 themes

HTML5 and CSS3 is the deadly combination and going to be the future of designing world. HTML5 let you create stunning themes with need of a third party software and its a platform independent too. That’s why designers are moving towards this language and we have already seen stunning and beautiful HTML5 WordPress themes. You can even download Adobe Edge Preview 5 Free and start creating your own HTML5 animations which will run on all platforms including computers, gadgets, iPads, iPhone etc. Today i am going to share with you the top 10 beautiful HTML5 WordPress themes which are absolutely free of cost and ready to download.

1. HTML5Press.

The most impressive and beautiful HTML5 theme i ever found on internet is HTML5Press by Jesper. This great theme is available in both WordPress and Blogger.

2. TwentyTenFive.

TwentyTenFive is a HTML5 WordPress framework which let you customize and create your own theme. Just download this theme and its already upgraded to HTML5. You can even install WP paint brush so that to create your own theme with drag and drop facility.

3. HTML-ified TwentyTen.

HTMl5 version of the official WordPress theme TwentyTen which is customize by the author and they have added sidebar to it which was highly demanded by the users. Again you can fully customize this to match the requirements of your blog.

4. Spectacular.

Another beautiful and wide screen theme from Smashing magazine. The theme is released under GPL license which means you are free to use it for personal as well as for commercial use.
Demo   Download

5. The Travel Theme.

One of my favorite themes is The Travel Theme which has lots of features and cool design. The other thing i like about this theme is its customization options which let you fully change this theme into your own version. You can read the guide about customization of this theme on authors website.

6. Brave New World WordPress theme.

Wide screen theme with modern design recommended for Adsense users. Although theme design is simple but it gives you the perfect platform to build a nice stunning theme according to your blog needs.

7. HTML5 WordPress Shell.

HTML5 WordPress Shell is not a theme with its a framework which is a great starting point to create your own HTML5 theme. Just download the shell from the official website, install it and there you go.

8. Grey.

Gorgeous HTMl5 WordPress theme with gray color as main color and full width top and footer. These type of themes are more and more popular now a days and can be adopted very easily.

9. Temple Gate.

Temple Gate theme is inspired by the Japanese traditional Temple Gate. Theme is very unique and simple but can be suitable for blogging.

10. Yoko WordPress Theme.

Last but not least is the Yoko HTMl5 WordPress theme. Wide screen with 2 side bars is ideal for Adsense users. It contains top header image along with categories option which makes it really unique.