OnlineEarning .Blog

The OnlineEarning .Blog is a blog about Making Money Online through various legitimate ways, specially using a blog. The creator of this site makes money online and lives a good life after leaving his day job. If you run a blog, you too can make money. All you need is a little bit of guidance in the beginning. That's why is here for you! Take a look, browse through the pages and start earning a decent living off your blog(s)








How to Create Google Analytics Account

After some months when your blog gets more visitors and became more popular than its very necessary for you keep track of your visitors so that you know that from where your visitors are coming from and in which category they are interested in. This way you can optimize your blog and give more useful information to your visitors so that they keep visiting your blog again and again. Also you want to know that your visitors belong to which country, which language they prefer, which browser they are using or which operating system they are using each and everything has an impact on the future of your blog.

create google analytics account
What is Google Analytics?

This is where Google Analytics comes. Again its free service by Google for bloggers and webmasters to keep track of your blog/website visitors. It has all the things you need to know about your visitors. Google Analytics seamlessly keep track of all your blog visitors and share this precious data with you without any cost. Although blogger and WordPress have their own monitoring methods as well but still lots of bloggers till prefer this method. From time to time Google changes this program and now with the latest change it gives you lot more information than ever before. From keywords to user flow, from traffic sources to content view it has each and every thing to need to know about your blog.
Unlike Alexa its reports are much more recent and updated. It gives you the power to unleash the world. You can also integrate Google Analytics with Google Webmasters accounts for more in-depth analysis. You don’t need to create Google Analytics account and verify your website if you already have already verify Google Webmasters account. Just link it with your Webmasters account and your are done. The best part i like about verifying Google Analytics Account is that you can do this in many ways and hence do this easily the way which suits you better.

Google Analytics Features.

1. Unique Visitors.
2. Time user is spending on your blog.
3. Pageviews of your blog.
4. Bounce Rate.
5. Keyword Analysis.
6. Referring sites.
7. Detail about Landing pages.
8. Country wise break down.
9. Visitor information like Browser, Operating System etc.
10. Traffic Sources.

How to Create Google Analytics Account?

1. Creating Google Analytics account is very easy. Visit this page in another Tab or Windows.[link]
2. If you have already Gmail account than sign-in with your Gmail username and password. Other wise create a Gmail account ID first by visiting
3. On next page click on Sign Up button.
4. Now fill in all the details like Account Name, Website’s URL, Time zone, Sharing Settings, Your country or territory, accept the Terms and conditions and click Create account button.
5. On next page copy the code and paste it in between the <head></head> tags of your blog’s theme Header file and save the file. In some themes you have the option to paste the code in settings page which is lot more easier.
6. WordPress all in one SEO and Yoast plugins are the most used plugins and they also gives you the ability to verify your account by entering your Analytics ID into the settings page. This method is way easier but of course requires you to install the plugin first.
7. So if you don’t want to install the above mention plugins or if you are using thesis theme which has its own built-in SEO mechanism than you can also install a dedicated plugin for this verification. You can also install Google Analytics WordPress plugin and than copy code and Tracking id into it.

Setting Up your blog Profile inside Analytics

Creating Analytics account is not enough, in order to see the stats of a particular website you need to create a profile of that website in your account.
Login into your newly created account and click on the link that says Create an Account.
Just fill in the form with your blog or website details and click on continue button. There you go now it will start tracking your blog instantly and you can see the stats after 24 hours.

10 Essential WordPress Security Tips

One of the biggest drawbacks of WordPress CMS vs Blogger is its security. Thousands of WordPress blogs hack daily and hackers not only hack blogs but delete all the files and folders in it. My blog Internet Khazana was also hacked last month and hacker not only delete all files but also database as well. That’s why its so important for you to create daily backup of your blog specially database backup. Thank god i have the latest database backup but unfortunately i have not all of my blog’s image backup. That’s why i have to waste 15 days to recover and create new images for my blog. After this hack i have learned lots of things and now my blog has more secure than ever before.
10 WordPress Security Tips

1. Create Strong Passwords.

My first mistake was that my old password was containing only characters and digits. I think this was the biggest mistake in my life as these passwords are very easy to hack. Although my password was 15 characters long but still it was hacked. So what is strong password that is nearly impossible to hack. Strong password must contain at-least 15 characters(20+ recommended) and include all types of characters like Capital and small Alphabets, Digits and Special Characters. Never save password on your computer and write down on some notepad etc. Create daily backup as it will save lots of headache if in case your blog is hacked you can quickly restore your data and your blog is up and running in some hours. Try to store you backup in two places like in your computers hard-disk and USB disc etc.

2. Install Login LockDown WordPress Plugin.

Before my blog internet khazana was hacked i had noticed a suspicious IP from morocco who tries to login as Admin but was failed to login. Thanks to the Login LockDown WordPress Security plugin. What this plugin do is that it limits the login attempts of any user and you can set the options that after how many attempts it will lock the login screen. By default if you put 3 wrong passwords it will automatically disable the login screen for your IP for specific amount of time. So its a great way to stop hackers from continuously trying passwords on your blog login screen.

3. Change default Admin Username.

If you are still using Admin as your default username than your are going to provide 59% information to hackers and they only have to guess your blog’s password in order to hack your blog. Now you may be asking that your blog is now very old and how can you change the username now. Well its very easy, just install the WordPress Wp-optimize plugin and simply enter the new username in the change username box. Remember to first create a backup of your database in case if something goes wrong.

4. Change Default Database Table Prefix.

WordPress is known for its dynamic publishing system which creates posts, pages, themes dynamically and store all this precious data in Database. So the Database is the brain of your blog and its very important to protect it. Unfortunately its dynamic ability is mostly targeted by hackers. Spammers and hackers try to inject malicious code, SQL injection and Automated scripts into your blogs Database. So gurus recommend that in order to protect your database all you need is to change the default WordPress Database Table Prefix. For this you need WP Security Scan plugin which gives you the ability to default WordPress Database Table Prefix in just one click.

5. Hide your blogs WordPress Version.

Believe it or not if your blogs WordPress Version is visible to hackers than they will hack your blog in just few hours. Its so easy for them to hack your blog if they now which version your blog have because they now the bugs of that version and hence its easy for them to hack your blog. Hiding your blog WordPress version is very easy. Just add this code into the Functions.php file of your theme and Update the file.
<?php remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator'); ?>

6. Encrypt your WordPress Login Password.

By Default if you type your password in WordPress Login Screen unfortunately it can be seen or access by anybody on the internet. For this problem you have two options, First is paid option in which you can buy SSL certificate from your webhost in order to protect your WordPress login page. Other option is free one in which you have to install Chap Secure Login plugin which encrypts your password so that it cannot be seen on internet and hence protect your account.

7. Check your Blog’s Theme.

Unfortunately more than 90% of Free WordPress themes available on internet contains some sort of malicious code which can be dangerous for your blog in future. The code is mainly hidden in your theme’s script and you don’t even about it. So to solve this problem you need to install Theme Authenticity Checker plugin for WordPress. After installing this plugin it searches for malicious code in your blog theme and if found it displays the exact line with little snippet of malicious code.

8. Protect Wp-Config File.

If Database is the brain of your blog than Wp-Config File is the heart of your blog. Its the most important file you have in your blog. It contains all the important information like Admin username, Password, Database name and Server name. So to protect this file we need to edit out .htaccess file which is located in the root directory of your blog. All you need is to add the code given below and save the file.
# protect wpconfig.php
<files wp-config.php>
order allow,deny
deny from all

9. Disable Directory Browsing.

Its the biggest and most common mistake comet by newbie bloggers that they never protect there blog’s directories which have no default index file in it. By default if you type any directory name in browser you will see the all the content in it which is very useful for hackers and dangerous for you blog security. So to disable directory browsing you need to ad some code in your blog’s .htaccess file present in the root directory.
Options -Indexes

10. Change Default Admin Login URL.

Everybody knows that your blog’s login page can be accessed easily by typing Wp-Admin at the end of your blog URL. This is really a stupid thing and any thief can easily enter into your blog by this door. So we have to hide this door from thief’s by changing the Default Admin Login URL to something like this Again we have to ad some code into the .htaccess file present in the root directory of your blog.
RewriteRule ^login$ [NC,L]

How to Stop Copy Paste Bloggers from Stealing your Content

Blogging is a beautiful world and if you are honest with it you will definitely enjoy it. But as in this world there are some good people as well as bad people. In blogging world people how are lazy and don’t like to create there own stuff often steal content and images from other blogs and put them on there own blog without crediting you. Also they use Auto blogging software which automatically post articles on there blog when ever you post a blog post. Amazingly some times these blogs are higher than original content owners blog which is a shame. There are some measures that you can take in order to stop content thieves.
stop plagiarism content theives from stealing your blog content
Disable Right Click & Selection of text.
This is the first step in order to stop newbie content thieves. Almost 90% of the content thieves simply select all your article data and paste it on there blog and publish it. They don’t even know about how to write or edit code so its very good thing that you disable Right Click and Selection of text in order to stop them. For WordPress there is a plugin called Wp-Copy Protect which will give you the power to disable Right Click and Selection of text in just one click.
Install Feed Pause Plugin.
Most of the time lazy people or bloggers don’t even try to copy paste your content and simply run Auto generated blogs which auto generates content from your blogs feed and republish them automatically. So when you publish an article it will instantly republish on spammer blog. To stop this you have to delay/pause your blog feed so that your original post may first index by search engine and than you publish feed so that spammer republish it after 1 or 2 days. For this you need to install WordPress Feed Pauser plugin. Install this plugin and set the timing of the feed republish time and your are done.
Prevent Hot Linking.
Its not the issue of duplicate content that hurts you but the images of your blog that copied by the spammers. The worst thing is that they use direct link of image which is present obviously on your webhost and hence steal your blogs bandwidth. If your blog has unlimited bandwidth than this might not be a problem for you but for a limited bandwidth site its a serious thing to tackle with. This was happen to me and suddenly internet khazana bandwidth jumped from 100MB per day 1GB per day which was very alarming and eventually i had to pay for extra bandwidth. So i decided to block all the requests generated by other blogs for images. For this you need to put some code mention below in the .htaccess file present in the root directory of your blog. Obviously change my blog name with yours one.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC]
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|js|css|png)$ – [F]
Dynamically put Back-link.
As we all know that most of the time copy paste bloggers will not give back credit to you by linking back to you so you have to automatically put a link back to your blog when ever some one steals your content. We know that copy paste blogger are lazy and they don’t even edit code or try to format the posts. So just install WordPress INK – Own your content plugin and every-time when someone tries to copy and paste your content on there blog this plugin will add automatically article link to your post which will give you a back link.
Link in RSS Feeds.
In order to earn credit from Auto bloggers you will need to add your blog link in all your blog feeds so that when ever Auto blogging software fetches your blog feeds it also embeds your blog link and hence you will earn back link from the site. For blogspot its very easy, just add code mention below in the Settings -> Site Feed and bottom of the feed and done.
<hr />
<a href=””>Internet khazana</a>
For WordPress users you have to add some code in the Functions.php file of your blog theme and update the file.
function embed_rss($content) {
$content .= “<p><a href=’”. get_permalink() .”‘>’”;
$content .= get_the_title() .”</a></p>”;
return $content;
add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘embed_rss’);