Low Budget Ad Posting Package
Joining (Registration) Fee: $52 USD
Earn $64 every month.
Membership Period: 4 Months.
per Ad Posting: 7 cent.
Cheap Clone sites rate: 3 cent
Total no. of ad posting: 900.
Ad posting period 1st to 20th of every month.
Minimum payout limit: $25 USD
Status Checking One Time Fee $5
Monthly Tax: $5
Joining (Registration) Fee: $100 USD
Earn $124 every month.
Membership Period: 6 Months.
per Ad Posting: 8 cent.
Cheap Clone sites rate: 3 cent
Total no. of ad posting: 1500.
Ad posting period 1st to 20th of every month.
Minimum payout limit: $50 USD
Status Checking One Time Fee $5
Monthly Tax: $10
Medium Ad Posting Package
Joining (Registration) Fee: $141 USD
Earn $200 every month.
Membership Period: 8 Months.
per Ad Posting: 10 cent.
Cheap Clone sites rate: 3 cent
Total no. of ad posting: 2000.
Ad posting period 1st to 20th of every month.
Minimum payout limit: $50 USD
Status Checking One Time Fee $10
Medium Ad Posting Package Monthly Tax $12
Global Ad Posting
Joining (Registration) Fee: $200 USD
Earn $100 to $350 every month.
Membership Period: 1 Year.
per Ad Posting: 12.5 cent.
Cheap Clone sites rate: 3 cent
Total no. of ad posting: 3000.
Ad posting period 1st to 20th of every month.
Minimum payout limit: $75 USD
Status Checking One Time Fee $10
Global Ad Posting Package Monthly Tax $25
Business Ad Posting Package
Joining (Registration) Fee: $258 USD
Earn unlimited every month.
Membership Period: 1.5 Years.
per Ad Posting: 15 cent.
Cheap Clone sites rate: 3 cent
Total no. of ad posting: Unlimited
Ad posting period 1st to 20th of every month.
Minimum payout limit: $75 USD
Status Checking One Time Fee $10
Business Ad Posting Package Monthly Tax $30
Business plus Ad posting Package (New)
Joining (Registration) Fee: $350 USD
Earn unlimited Twice in the month
Membership Period: 1.5 Years.
per Ad Posting: 15 cent.
Cheap Clone sites rate: 4 cent
Total no. of ad posting: Unlimited
Ad posting period 1st to 10th and then 16th to 25.
Minimum payout limit: $100 USD
Status Checking One Time Fee $10
Business Ad Posting Package Tax $20 per payout.
Payout time 5 days.
In this package users can get payout two times in a month. First 10 days work and then after 5 days payout then next 10 days work then after 5 days payout.