Design a Mobile Optimized Ecommerce Website and the Tradeoffs That You Must Make
Mobile browsing has been into quite a trend these days. Keeping this idea in mind, most website owners have started to launch mobile versions of their sites as well. With such an approach, the number of views keeps on increasing constantly and thus increases the monetary value of the site. But in smartphone apps sites, you need to be quite choosy about what to take and what to leave, as it is not possible to incorporate everything. There are some tradeoffs which you can make use of for establishing your mobile site within a limited time-frame. For this purpose, you need to be sure about your priorities and objectives.
Firstly, your site should be optimally useful with a great usability and navigation. Secondly, you should aim at making the site easily upgradable and maintainable. Thirdly, you may consider leaving the writing of any complicated or difficult codes. Fourthly, it is advisable not to make any major changes in your desktop site. Fifthly, make sure to use the same database and images as that of your desktop site. Sixthly, never go for cross browser and cross phone compatibility. Seventhly, try and use the same vocabulary and language as is mentioned in your desktop site. Finally, writing the entire design detailed specification and hiring a competent developer shall not only save you time but money as well. All these steps shall contribute to your creation of a mobile site which won’t require too much of maintenance and also shall not hamper your sales growth.
In order to follow these rules, there are three choices which you can make to proceed towards the establishment of your mobile-enabled site-
Firstly, you can try out changing your style sheet and keeping everything else the same. Try not to make any alterations in the source files and just opting to modify some part of the CSS style sheet, in case your site contains heavy content. For mobile version, you can opt out to remove the ads or the menus and simply display all of the content. This format can be easily achieved by the numerous WordPress plugins available in the market. This is considered to be the easiest way of creating a mobile-enabled site as you need to change just a few lines of the PHP code. Don’t forget to use content wrap for the mobile version or otherwise, the user will always have to scroll sideways in order to read everything. But through this process, it involves disrupting of the main site, difficulty in up-gradation and maintenance as well as the problem of cross-browser compatibility.
Secondly, you can make use of a mobile plugin for your shopping cart. Mobile WordPress plugins perform a dual function. They help you in the creation of a mobile site that works out of the box. Secondly, it much of the work is reduced leaving behind just customization of the plugin. But even mobile plugins come with some disadvantages. They don’t provide you with separate versions for mobile and desktop. All of the descriptions remain the same without any minimization. Secondly, you can’t have full control over how and what categories and products are displayed. Thirdly, you can’t decide the aspects of the navigation, such as the search bar and the breadcrumbs.
Finally, you can make use of JQuery mobile, which is mobile design Framework Company. They allow use of pre-built websites and guarantee compatibility across numerous mobile platforms. Through their application, maintenance would be minimal as you can simply upgrade whenever new features are available.
Through these steps you can undoubtedly create mobile site without making any kind of changes in your desktop site.
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